
Historia: Dark Fantasy Renaissance Setting for 5e

Created by Mana Project Studio

A merciless world populated by anthropomorphic animal races, new classes & game options, equipment, kinds of magic, and much more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last proofreading & fixing
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 11:59:01 PM

Hey everyone!

We have gotten a lot of feedback from you all which has been greatly appreciated. Since we took all the issues you raised very seriously, we have delayed printing until we can fix it all properly and we will give you a second, more final preview as soon as we’re done. We're nearly there, wait for an update in the next days for the final PDF release.

The art for the Adventure Book is done 100%, the text itself is still going through translation and editing but we’re using most of our team to fix the Corebook problems so that is a bit behind than our initial plans. Still it’s going forward!

We’re also going to begin the Faction building with the community by email very soon, we decided to use a tool that was available to all instead of social media. 

It’ll start with 3 possible faction options to choose from, so stay tuned for that!

Thank you so much for your invaluable support.

Mana Project Studio

Ending 2020 with a full PDF Preview!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 02:19:43 PM

Hey everybody!

Finally, the day has come: we are releasing a full preview of the Corebook of Historia, both in Italian and English, for all you backers and anyone who made the pre-order of both the digital and physical edition!

  • Please check your email inbox, you should receive a mail from BackerKit with the link to the download area. If you are not receiving the email, please check out your backer download area on the BackerKit platform. For any issues, please write to [email protected] 
  • This is still not quite 100% final, let’s call it a beta version, since our proofreading team is giving it one last look before print, the art team will touch up a few images too.
  • We have booked a printing slot for the 15th of January, so if you happen to catch any typos or mistakes do let us know before that!
  • Also, at the end of the book, you will find your names, as promised. Please let us know if we didn’t spell it right by the 10th of January, so we have time to fix it for the print version!
  • As far as the French version goes, we are waiting for news from Arkhane Asylum and we hope to update you on its progress soon.

We are very proud to present our work to you, and we hope the wait was worth it. Please enjoy, and let us know your thoughts!

Thank you for your love and support, we wish you a happy new year!

Mana Project Studio

Production Update & Elder Mythos Apparel
about 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 09:50:49 PM

Hello everyone,

here’s an update on the status of things, with more precise dates for you all!

  • Corebook is fully edited, and we’re finishing the page layouts and graphics for both language editions.
  • Lorebook and Game Master Screen files are off to the printer and approved.
  • Miniatures are being shipped to our warehouse this week, and will be individually packaged this month.

We have booked the printing slots for January 2021, and shipping will start in February, as soon as we get the books in our warehouse.

This means that by this December you will receive all digital rewards, except for the Adventure Book!

We are working on wrapping that up also, as soon as possible, without compromising on the quality we want to deliver.

Elder Mythos Kickstarter

In the meantime, new additions to our studio and some of our best artists teamed up to bring to you a new apparel project:  Elder Mythos Apparel! 

The project features t-shirts and hoodies inspired by Lovecraftian mythology, made in Italy in 100% cotton, available in sizes from XS to 5XL. We called in talented artists to take care of the designs of the clothing.

Our goal is to satisfy everyone, whatever your body or lifestyle.

If you wish to back our project, we ask you to place your pledge on day ONE so that we can have the strongest launch possible! Reaching the goal in the first hours of the campaign is vital to its success and to unlock the stretch goals!

In the first 48h, you'll be able to get an Early Bid Pledges, and get all the rewards at a crazy discount price!

Here you have a link to the Elder Mythos Kickstarter campaign:

Always appreciating all your support, we thank you for your patience,

Mana Project Studio

Production Update, and Delivery Dates
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 01:32:24 PM

***This update includes both English and Italian version | Questo update include sia la versione Inglese che Italiana***

Hello everybody,

We’re sorry it took a while since the last update: we worked hard to make sure to bring you the most accurate information and to bring the work as further as we could.

The last time we were in touch, we were on schedule, but a lot of issues caught up with us, mainly the Pandemic which affected us more extensively than we thought, especially our extended production pipeline (like our printer).

In the spirit of complete transparency, let us update you on the state of things.

To toast with you all to the anniversary of our successful campaign end, we have sent off our PDF copy of the Hippocras Recipe! We hope you appreciate it and cheer with us, getting warm in these difficult times.


The miniatures are in the final step of production, the prototypes look beautiful and we’re only waiting for the actual copies to arrive to us by the end of this month. Let us show you! Desmond is being painted by Fabio Palumbo from Abyssoul, who is assisting us every step of the way.

Desmond miniature, painting almost finished!
Muur-Khan, a photograph of the amazing prototype in all its glory.

Printing and production

The Game Master Screen and the Lorebook are being sent off to the printer, which as we mentioned currently has a longer production queue than we thought, but we’re very close to having those products physically in our warehouse as well.

The dice trays are all printed and currently with us already!


The Corebook, which on Kickstarter was originally meant to be a 250 pages with 120 illustrations, has ended up as a 330+ pages tome with 220+ illustrations!

All of the illustrations by our amazing team led by Mirko Failoni are completed.

The Italian text, written by Matteo Pedroni & Davide Milano for mechanics and Laura Guglielmo for the narrative sections, is all done, edited and 100% translated in English too!

Our translators, Jason Forbus and Alex Valente, have done an incredible job.

We are deeply saddened to say our main proofreader, Gabriele Giardina-Harding, has passed away suddenly. Our thoughts are with him, his family and friends and we will do our best to remember him in our book which we know meant a lot to him and we were hoping would only be the first of many collaborations together.

Alex and a new entry in our team Richard Hart are helping us finish up the proofreading in these weeks.

The layout is the phase that needs more work right now, with 2 sections done out of 10, but our graphic designers are hard at work and this is our main priority.

As far as the French edition goes, Arkhane Asylum is taking care of it and translating from our English translation, so it won’t be delivered alongside the other languages. We are staying in touch with them to try and make the wait as short as possible!

As the situation stands, we will be able to deliver the PDF of the Corebook in Italian and English by the end of November as promised by the campaign!

Since the files will be sent off later than we thought and our printer is very busy, we cannot give a precise date for the first wave of shipping, but we will do our very best to begin shipping before the end of 2020.

Adventure Book

This brings us to another very important product: the Adventure Book.

The beautiful illustrations are 85% done, and we have shown you Bastien LeCouffe Deharme’s beautiful cover already.

Unfortunately this is where the pandemic hit us the hardest: a lot of our adventure writers had delays, and sadly both John Wick and Jason Carl were unable to complete the work for us despite all our efforts.

We are determined not to give you less than promised, so we have decided to write other adventures by Davide Milano, Mirko Failoni & Michele Paroli and others, but this has moved production further than we thought. All adventures have been written, but some still need editing and all of them need translation.

As soon as we wrap up the Corebook, we will focus on finishing up the Adventure Book, which we are also hoping to finish by the end of the year.

This means that we will logistically have to wait to ship out the packages which include the Adventure Book as well as the Corebook, in a second wave of shipping that might turn out to be in 2021.

We are deeply sorry for the delay, and also to only be able to communicate it now: we were trying to avoid it all cost and to figure out how to make it work. But we really don’t want to compromise quality and betray your trust in our product.

We thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm, and we hope it will not waver knowing how we are putting 100% and more of our hearts, minds and time into the project!


Salve a tutti,

Ci spiace averci messo un po’ per scrivere questo update, ma era importante per noi raccogliere informazioni il più precise possibili e lavorare al massimo prima di mettere nero su bianco la situazione.

L’ultima volta che vi abbiamo aggiornato la tabella di marcia stava procedendo come programmata, ma molti problemi ci hanno colpito tra agosto e settembre, non ultima la situazione pandemia che ha colpito ingranaggi importanti della nostra produzione, come gli stampatori.

Nello spirito della più completa trasparenza vogliamo quindi aggiornarvi sullo stato di tutto.

Per prima cosa, vi abbiamo inviato la copia PDF della Ricetta Hippocras! Un brindisi all’anniversario della fine della campagna, e al suo successo. Speriamo che la apprezziate e vogliate concedervi una bevuta al progetto assieme a noi, scaldandovi in questi tempi difficili.


Le miniature sono nella parte finale della produzione, i prototipi sono splendidi e stiamo solo aspettando che le copie ci arrivino entro la fine del mese. Le foto le potete vedere qui sopra!

Stampa & Produzione

Lo Schermo del Master e il Lorebook sono sulla strada per la tipografia, che è uno degli ingranaggi che ha subito ritardi: la fila di produzione è più lunga di quanto pensassimo, ma manca comunque molto poco ad avere anche questi prodotti effettivamente in magazzino.

Quello che abbiamo già sono i tappetini per dadi, già al sicuro con noi!

Il Corebook

Il Manuale, che qui vi abbiamo venduto con 250 pagine con 120 illustrazioni, è in verità diventato un tomo di oltre 330 pagine e 220 illustrazioni!

Tutte le illustrazioni del team diretto da Mirko Failoni sono stupende, e completate.

Il testo Italiano, scritto da Matteo Pedroni & Davide Milano alle meccaniche e Laura Guglielmo alla parte narrative, è finito, editato e anche tradotto al 100%!

I nostri traduttori, Jason Forbus e Alex Valente, hanno fatto un lavoro incredibile.

Siamo molto tristi di annunciare che il nostro correttore di bozze/editor della traduzione inglese, Gabriele Giardina-Harding, è venuto a mancare improvvisamente. I nostri pensieri vanno a lui, alla famiglia e agli amici, e faremo del nostro meglio per ricordarlo nel libro, che sappiamo significava molto per lui: speravamo questa fosse solo la prima di molte collaborazioni assieme.

Alex e una nuova entry del nostro team, Richard Hart, ci stanno aiutando in queste settimane a finire il lavoro.

L’impaginazione è in corso, con due sezioni terminate su dieci, e i nostri grafici al lavoro per concluderla appena possibile.

Per l’edizione francese, Arkhane Asylum la sta curando a partire dalla nostra traduzione inglese, quindi non arriverà in contemporanea alle altre due edizioni, ma restiamo in stretto contatto per far sì che la differenza di tempo sia il più breve possibile.

La situazione quindi ci permette di cominciare a consegnare entro la fine di Novembre il PDF del Manuale in Italiano e Inglese, come promesso nella campagna!

Dato che i file però saranno inviati più tardi di quanto preventivato al tipografo, che ha un’attesa più lunga del previsto, non possiamo dare una data precisa per il primo scaglione di spedizioni, che faremo del nostro meglio per iniziare entro la fine del 2020.

Adventure Book

Questo ci porta direttamente a un altro prodotto molto importante: il Manuale delle Avventure.

Le splendide illustrazioni sono fatte all’85%, e avete già visto la bellissima cover di Bastien LeCouffe Deharme.

Sfortunatamente, è qui che la pandemia ci ha colpito più duramente: molti dei nostri scrittori delle avventure hanno avuto ritardi, e tristemente sia John Wick che Jason Carl nonostante i nostri sforzi non hanno potuto completare il lavoro per noi.

Essendo determinati a non consegnarvi meno di quanto promesso, abbiamo deciso di scrivere altre avventure (di Davide Milano, Mirko Failoni & Michele Paroli e altri), ma questo ha fatto logicamente slittare la produzione. Tutte le avventure sono complete, ma molte ancora necessitano editing e per tutte manca la traduzione.

Non appena completeremo il Manuale Base, che ha la priorità, il nostro focus sarà sul Manuale delle Avventure, che speriamo comunque di completare entro la fine dell’anno e che vi sarà spedito digitalmente non appena ciò avverrà.

Questo però significa che dobbiamo a livello logistico aspettare un secondo scaglione di spedizioni per tutti i pacchi che includono il Manuale delle Avventure, e questo potrebbe avvenire nel primo 2021.

Ci spiace moltissimo per questo ritardo, e di averlo comunicato solo ora: stavamo cercando a tutti i costi di evitarlo, e di far funzionare le cose in qualche modo. Ma non vogliamo in alcun modo compromettere la qualità, e così tradire la vostra fiducia in noi.

Vi ringraziamo moltissimo per il vostro supporto ed entusiasmo, e speriamo continui sapendo che stiamo mettendo davvero tutto il nostro cuore, la nostra testa e il nostro tempo nel progetto!

Historia Corebook Preview #1 & Mana Project Newsletter
over 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 06:44:44 AM

Historia Corebook Preview #1

Check out your mail inbox, you should have received the first preview of Historia Corebook! Familiae & Species chapter is now available for preview to backers, via BackerKit download.

You can download the file with the link you will receive or logging into your BackerKit account.

Mana Project Studio Newsletter

We decided to start with our brand newsletter! If you want to stay updated on our projects and receive free digital downloads, please subscribe here! 

Thank you for your love & support!

Mana Project Studio