
Historia: Dark Fantasy Renaissance Setting for 5e

Created by Mana Project Studio

A merciless world populated by anthropomorphic animal races, new classes & game options, equipment, kinds of magic, and much more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The shipment begins!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 02:44:54 PM

Hey everybody,

we are happy to announce to you that the wait is nearly over!

Today we started the Italian shipping! The EU and the USA Corebooks will follow very soon. 

Plus, the Historia Deluxe Edition has arrived in the storehouse today. 

Here's some pictures!

The 10% of you that ordered the physical edition of the Adventures Book, unlocked as a stretch goals of the campaign, will have to wait the printing process of that book. We'll keep you updated in the next days!

Thank you for your love and support!


Mana Project Studio

Historia Adventures Book PDF release!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 01:33:45 PM

Good evening everybody: we are releasing a full preview of the Historia Adventures Book, both in Italian and English, for all you backers and anyone who made the pre-order of both the digital and physical edition!

Check your inbox, you should have received a notification!

  • English backers will find the free download on their DrivethruRPG account.
  • Italian backers will find the file in the download section of their BackerKit account
  • This is still not quite 100% final, let’s call it a beta version, since our proofreading team is giving it one last look before print, the art team will touch up a few images too.
  • We are going to send it to the printing very soon, so if you happen to catch any typos or mistakes do let us know before that!
  • As far as the French version goes, we are waiting for news from Arkhane Asylum and we hope to update you on its progress soon.
  • For any issues, please write to [email protected]

Thank you for your love and support!


Mana Project Studio

Corebook Production Update
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 07:28:54 PM

Hey everybody,

here we are with a production update!

The printing company just notified us that (after a month of delay from what they stated in our contract) the Historia Corebooks have been shipped to our warehouse! 

They usually take few days to reach us, then we'll start the packing and the shipping! We'll keep you updated as soon as we'll have them in our hands!

While we wait, we are proud to show you the first photos of the unbound book!

Thank you for your love and support!


Mana Project Studio

Historia Corebook - Off to print!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 02:27:46 PM

Hello everyone!

Historia Corebook Update

We have taken in further feedback from last time, had another turn of revisions, and uploaded a new version of the English Corebook file to DrivethruRPG, which is now available for download.

We are now exporting the executive files for the print, which will start at the beginning of the next week!

After that, we should be receiving the books in less than a month, then we'll start with the shipping of the rewards! We'll keep you updated about the fulfillment with the next update.

Italian Edition

We also sent an updated version of the Italian Corebook to Need Games, our Italian publisher, that will be updating the PDF files as soon as possible.

French Edition

We have a production timeline by Arkhane Asylum: the translation should be done in May, and by July you should have the volume ready! 

Speak Peek

Finally, we want to sign off with these pictures of how gorgeously the Lorebook and the GM screen came out in print. Do you like them?

Thank you for your love and support,

Stay safe!


Mana Project Studio

Historia Corebook Digital Release & Printing updates.
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 01:57:27 AM

Hello everyone!

Finally, we come to you with a new and final release of the Corebook we are sending off to our printers next week. Check out your inbox, you should have received the PDF file on your DrivethruRPG account!

If you see any typo, please let us know within the 30th of March so that we may fix it.

We have done a huge amount of work aligning the Italian and English versions of the book and adopting D&D 5e language more accurately.

Some artwork has also been updated because even though we cannot reach perfection, we’ll always strive for it!

Other Titles

We have also finalized the Artbook, which is a beautiful gallery of the artwork you’ll find

in both the Core Manual and the Adventure Book. It will be sent to the printer on Monday, so production is underway!

Speaking of the Adventure Book, the last editing is being done, and we are very close to wrapping up on it also.

Community Created Faction

The special faction to build with you guys will be released digitally, that way we can take care of every detail without delaying printing and shipping any further. We haven’t sent the questions to you yet because all our Game Designers and writers and editors were busy finishing production, and this is a solution that we feel will preserve the quality we want to deliver.

Italian Edition

We transmitted the files to our Italian partner, and they are sending you the files as soon as they'll be ready! Expect an email very soon!

French Edition

We're still waiting for a production timeline by Arkhane Asylum.  As soon as we'll have some dates, we'll be back to you with an update. In the meantime, French backers have received the English PDF.

We are so very close to the finish line! And it would’ve never been possible without your support, so once again: thank you all.

Thank you for your love and support


Mana Project Studio